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Halfway Oxbow Ambulance Service
Station 21
Saving Lives One Ambulance Ride at a Time
How can you help us?
Our service is in need of two high capacity gurneys and gurney lifts for our ambulances!
The cost of 2 gurneys, 2 lifts and installation costs is 115k.
For your tax deductible donation, send a check to Halfway Oxbow Ambulance, PO Box 488, Halfway, OR, 97834
Donations may be dropped off at Pine Eagle Clinic in Halfway.
Venmo: @HalfwayOxbowAmb
Heavy duty gurney lift to be installed in ambulances.
High capacity gurney with safety rails
Halfway Oxbow Ambulance is a 100% volunteer service dedicated to providing quality and efficient emergency medical care to our community.
We proudly serve our community in cooperation with Pine Valley Rural Fire Department, Baker County Sherriff, and Life Flight Network.
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